Python Gui using tkinter, PySimpleGUI.

use for opencv face recogination

import tkinter
import cv2, PySimpleGUI as sg
USE_CAMERA = 0      # change to 1 for front facing camera
window, cap = sg.Window('App- OpenCV Integration', [[sg.Image(filename='', key='image')], ], location=(0, 0), grab_anywhere=True), cv2.VideoCapture(USE_CAMERA)
while window(timeout=20)[0] != sg.WIN_CLOSED:

this gets open in my local browser

import PySimpleGUIWeb as sg
sg.theme('dark grey 9')
filename = sg.popup_get_file('Enter the file you wish to process')
sg.popup('You entered', filename)

layout = [[sg.Button(f'{row}, {col}') for col in range(4)] for row in range(4)]

event, values = sg.Window('List Comprehensions', layout).read(close=True)